Angelina's Electrolysis Studio

Permanent Hair Removal For All Genders In Vancouver, BC

Over 29 Years on The Drive!


Posted on by Rosemarie

I started going to Angelina’s in May 2018, and it is no exaggeration to say she has been a life changer!

From the minute I set foot in the door, Angelina was professional, caring, and centered my needs and expectations. We talked about what I hoped to get from laser hair removal, the condition of my hair and skin, my financial situation, and my availability and together we created a timeline that worked for both of us.

I appreciated that she was very engaged and knowledgeable about transitioning, so I never felt uncomfortable or felt that I had to explain anything. She was attentive to my feedback at every session, and adjusted the plan accordingly.

1 year later, I don’t even recognize myself in my old photos, I don’t fear seeing myself in mirrors anymore, and I have the confidence to be myself in all aspects of my life. None of this would have been possible without Angelina, who helped me change my life in ways I wouldn’t have thought possible.


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