Angelina's Electrolysis Studio

Permanent Hair Removal For All Genders In Vancouver, BC

Over 29 Years on The Drive!

Faye Nowak

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FayeOnce I hit my fifties I decided it was time to do something for myself. I had always had facial hair and had gone the traditional routes of tweezing, bleaching, shaving and numerous other unsuccessful methods. I had often thought of electrolysis, but was too afraid to try it. One day I took the plunge and went for a consultation with Angelina. Upon meeting Angelina and interviewing her I decided to try the electrolysis method.

The one thing I ask myself now is what took me so long to do this? I found the results to be excellent. Angelina took the time, care and patience when working on me. After having my face done I decided to move on and eventually had my under arms, legs and pubic area completely cleared.

I would not hesitate to recommend Angelina to anyone. She is professional and dedicated to her trade. She ensures that her clients are comfortable and are kept aware of any changes in their treatment or how she is working on them. Call Angelina to request a consultation and decide for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

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